Community & Collaboration Tools


Google Apps: Through NCSU, we have open access to various Google Apps and our students are quite adept at navigating the Google platform design. For new ideas on using Google Apps with Students, check out the article “16 Ideas of Student Projects using Google Docs, Slides, and Forms.” 



Padlet: A free online platform where users can create online message/pin boards that elicit crowdsourced information. By sharing a link, then anyone can access and contribute to the message/pin board that updates in real time by multiple users.




Jing: This online service allows you to create online conversations/feedback by recording up to five minutes of screencapture and video. Jing is a great way to give feedback and response to students or use for peer review. It’s free for unlimited uses of five minute videos.




Slack: This online collaboration and messaging platform is really popular for team projects and group communication with a gamification system built in. Users can send images, emojis, and “likes” to different comments within the conversations.


bbcollaborateBlackboard Collaborate: NCSU’s synchronous web conferencing system, is available to all faculty and staff and includes new features to enhance the experience for moderators and participants. Go to to find more information or visit DELTAwire to read more about upgrade details.




Kahoot: A game-based learning platform where users can use developed or original quizzes on a variety of topics. Works well for team-building, group work, and quick assessment.





Screencastomatic: This free, online service allows for simple screencapture with or without audio. In order to use the service, you will have to install some software as well as upload to a video service such as YouTube to save the videos.




Awwapp: With A Web Whiteboard App, there is both a web version as well as a touch-friendly application. In this platform, you can create sketches, discuss with others, share and collaborate on ideas.


polleverywherePoll Everywhere: This online application is free and very easy to use. It allows students to use their smartphones, tablets, or messaging apps to send in results in real time. It’s a great tool for student participation and engagement during quizzes, group work, or the occasional lecture.



Scribblar: Although it is advertised as an online whiteboard and collaboration tool, Scribblar is also a platform for creating a virual classroom. It does require an account and the free version may limit resources and all functionality.



Dabbleboard: This digital whiteboard is a free download that works on both Macs and PCs. It is a very simple and basic version of online space to collaborate, create assignments and share documents/ideas with other users.

