
Technological Tools often (but not always) go hand in hand with online/hybrid education. However, it is important that we think critically about the tools that we choose to use in the classroom.

There is no single perfect technology for a given activity. Each technology comes with its own affordances and limitations. When moving from one technology (or mode) to another, there is always something gained and something lost (Kress, 2005).  To decide which technology to use, think about your learning objectives, the activity/assignment, and your students. (Reid, 2014).

Kress, Gunther. “Gains and Losses: New Forms of Texts, Knowledge, and Learning.” Computers and Composition 22.1 (2005): 5-22.
Reid, Gwendolynne. CRDM.

For more information on lessons and ideas for thinking critically about technology, please visit this Teaching Thoughtfully with Technology Prezi created by Kendra Andrews (2016) for GTAs and first-time teachers.

Feel free to browse through the short list of some of our most-often used tools as well as the four main categories of available technological resources.

Online Tools (Short-List)

  • Wix, Weebly, WordPress: Website builders and blogs
  • Thinglink: Make Photos, Images, Websites interactive
  • Piktochart: Make an Infographic
  • Screencastomatic—for screencasts
  • Podbean—for creating free podcasts
  • Buzzfeed–create your own community post
  • Jing—for voiceovers and vocal feedback
  • Meme generator—choose from popular memes
  • Awwapp—whiteboard app
  • Prezi—for an online presentation
  • Emaze—3D and interactive presentation software (one walks you through a museum)
  • Padlet—create interactive lists
  • Storify–locate all web information about a certain topic in one space
  • DraftBack–make a video record of all the changes that you make in your typed drafts

Video and Animation
<a href="">Video and Animation</a>

<a href="">Website Builders and Blogs</a>

<a href="">Community and Collaboration</a>

Presentation and Infographics
<a href="">Presentation and Infographics</a>