Syllabi and Moodle Structure

Syllabi for Online and Hybrid Sections of ENG 101 and ENG 105

Aside from the syllabi listed here, you can also go to our Moodle Project Spaces to visit courses in their entirety.

Sample syllabi can be found at the links below.

ENG 101

ENG 105

Sample Moodle Spaces

We have collected a few Moodle Project Spaces for you to get some ideas for structuring your course. These may be accessed with your Unity ID login and choosing “enroll me.”

Teaching with Moodle

There is a Moodle course for faculty that exists within NC State’s Wolfware that provides examples for using different tools within Moodle. You do not have to complete the entire course to learn about the different ways you can deliver content to your students. Also, DELTA provides a number of workshops for teaching in online and hybrid environments every semester.

Visit the faculty Moodle Course here: An Instructor’s Guide to Teaching with Moodle
