The Online/Hybrid Instructors’ (OHI) Space is a support site for First Year Writing Program instructors who are teaching online or hybrid courses. We have developed a website that is not only informative with a variety of best practices, resources, and readings, but also a place where we can share our experiences through the community blog and comment areas.
- Course Planning: From sample syllabi to the common assignments to the management of due dates and program requirements, you can find the nitty gritty answers to all your course management questions here.
- Best Practices: Although content and management may be foremost in your mind when moving to an online or hybrid environment, it is important to be up to date on the pedagogy and best practices for teaching in digital environments.
- Technology: In this section, you will find both a condensed list of frequently used online tools and platforms as well as detailed and curated lists of different types of online platforms and software that is useful in online writing instruction environments.
- Literature: Within the literature section, we’ve curated a list of web resources, books, and articles dedicated to the topic of online and hybrid writing instruction.
- Blog: Read blog posts written by instructors in our own program that showcase our experiences, voices, and teaching from the NCSU FYW community. The blog should be seen as a community-building place where the posts only start the conversation and the comments should continue the discussion.